Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Meaning of Jap (u) Ji in Brief

How can the increasing chasm between God and man be bridged ? This can be achieved by following the Divine orders obediently and developing one’s temperament in harmony with Lord’s character. If a son remains obedient to this father, it will remove all differences them.

This gap cannot remove by giving alms, bathing at places of pilgrimage or by the process of exercising control over breathing (Step 1 to 7).

What is the method of following the Divine Order ?

When a person obeys Guru’s command increasingly and worships Lord, he starts experiencing a strange sweetness in His will. Therefore, in order to follow His will and order, a person ahs to absorb himself attentively in singing Lord’s glory. This absorption or attention should be such that his mind gets enamoured in Lord’s love and would not like to come out of this state of mind (8-15).

The result of this attentiveness is not that a person will be able to know the secrets of His creation. He is limitless and so is His creation. Engrossing or absorbing in Lord’s glory will result in absolute obedience of His will (16-27).

As bid the ideology of charity, bathing at places of pilgrims of the Upanishads and breathing exercises are incapable of removing this yawning gap between a man and the God, similarly, the earnings or the patched quilts worn by ascetics are not capable of bridging the gap either. Meditation or worshipping is the only means to reduce this distance (one who is remembered becomes more lovable). Through love, temperaments also become alike).

When the Lord bestows His grace, a person meditates on God selflessly. This the only means of bridging the gap (Step 28-33).

With the Lord’s blessings, a person first rises above mundane life and perceives his ultimate aim of coming in to the world. For fulfilment of what duties has the been sent? When he acquires this realisation, then he comes out of the bonds of attachments of the family and perceives the whole world as Lord’s big family, then he strives to serve this big family. As the service of humanity enlarges this vision and perception of God, his ego reduces and he become s a man of service to His creation. The door of Lord’s grace opens upon him and he becomes no different than Him. As the gold ingot bears the heat in a crucible and strokes on the anvil, similarly, a person has to mould or structure his mind into True Mind by meditation. What is that Mind? Self-control, patience, intelligence, knowledge, reverential fear, hard work and love (It means that a person should first develop noble character, tolerance of others, give up idiosyncrasies, inculcate high and broad thinking and fear of Almighty in his heart. He should work hard, serve the mankind and hold love and affection for the humanity in his heart. Principle enunciated in the last cantos is as under:-

This word is an amphitheatre in which each and every person is playing his pre-determined role. Actions of every individual are keenly observed. Those who indulge in the game of mammon, created a distance between God and themselves. But those who played the game of meditation, their efforts became fruitful, By guiding others on to this true path, they themselves became triumphant and honourably acquired in the court of the Lord.

Some Question – Answers Regarding (u) Ji

Question: Why is this scared composition called Jap (u)? Why has Guru Arjan Sahib placed it in the beginning of Sri Guru Granth Sahib? Why should this be recited daily?

Answer: In the very first Pauri of this composition, a question has been raised as to how separation of a man from God can be removed. The answer that has been given is that by living according to God’s will, this gap or difference can be eradicated. How could Lord’s will be accepted happily? The answer is meditation. As a person gets engrossed in Lord’s worship, He bestows increasing love upon him due to which all his actions find ready acceptance in his heart. Lord’s actions are then considered sweet by him. Thus meditation or perpetual remembrance of the Lord is the only method of bringing down the wall of separation between man and God. The main theme of the composition revolves around the fact that no amount of charity, pilgrims, breathing exercises, wearing of externalities and observance of rituals can unite a man with the Lord divine. It also throw up views on the last known subject of the creation of the Universe, Jog mat and other cults. The composition categorically suggest meditation on His name as the only means of God realisation. The composition elucidates the subject of meditation. Therefore, it has been named as ‘Jap (u)’ which means to recall time and again, meditation, worship or singing His glory.

If we observe the writing format of Sri Guru Granth Sahib keenly, we find ‘Bani’ recorded in every Raag (Musical Mode) is that of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Thereafter comes the writings of Guru Arjan Sahib. The compositions of Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib are found entered thereafter. The sequence of type of composition is also fixed. First Shabads composed by the Gurus are recorded in the above sequence by octets and stanzas (Chhant).Therefore the beginning of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib can only have Guru Nanak’s Bani.

Meditation of Lord’s name is the main objective of Sikh religion. Meditation seems to be the strong foundation on which religious structure has been raised. So in the beginning of Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the most suitable composition would have been one which could explain and establish Guru Nanak’s ideology. And the most suitable writing obviously is the Jap(u). So Guru Arjan Sahib placed this composition in the beginning of Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

Question: Despite receiving myriad blessings and boon from the lord, a man remains unhappy. Why ?

Answer: Because has been separated from the foundation of peace and comforts. How can this separation be removed? By living according to the God’s will, obeyng and following his divine orders; by developing harmony with Lord’s nature. Temperaments can be developed only when a person remembers the Lord perpetually and establishes a loving relationship with him. This is an important question, which should be keenly thought about by a person in order to remove agony, affliction, unhappiness and desires from his life. This question is thoroughly discussed in Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s magnum opus Jap(u).That is why daily recitation of this composition has been laid down by Satguru Ji. Thus it will constantly remind him that meditation is the only means of removing the gap. So we should ever remember His name, remember his qualities i.e. Jap(u).


Ik onkar, Sat(i)nam(u), Karta Purkh(u),

Nirbah, Nirvair, Akal Murat(i),

Ajuni, Saibhang, Gurprasad(i).

Meaning: This is the creedal statement of Sikhism. It means fundamental teaching. The meaning of the above statement is that God is one and He is omnipresent in equal measures. He is the Creator of the Universe and is present in every nook and corner of it. He fears none and hold no animosity with anyone. His form or shape is beyond time or period. Time ha no effect on Him. He is beyond childhood, youth, old age and death. He does not take birth. His existence is self-illumined. The blessing or Grace of a True Guru realizes such Lord.

Pronunciation: É should be pronounced as ‘Ik’ and > as Onkar. Ajuni Saibhang should not be read together. Both are independent words and should be read with a pause in between. Reading Prasad as “Parshad” is incorrect.


This is the heading of the composition to follow. Its actual name is Jap(u). Out of reverence, we call it ‘Jap(u)Ji’.

Aad(i) Sach(u), Jugad Sach(u).

Hai Bhi Sach, Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach.1.

Note: This is an invocatory cantos, in which Guru Nanak Dev Ji has described the form of his deity whose meditation is the main aim of this scared composition. This can also be termed as entry ‘Slok’ to the main text of the composition.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Sach(u) : eternal Jugad: Since the beginning of the eras.

Hey Nanak! Lord is eternal from the beginning (before the formulation of the world). He was present before the commencement of the eras/period. He is present now and he will be present in the future too. He is Omnipresent. His existence and presence can never come end.

Sochai Soch(i) n hovaee je sochi lakh var.

Chupai chup n hovaee je laey raba livtar.

Meaning of difficult Words: Sochai: by keeping external sanctity; Soch(i): purity, holiness; Sochi: if I keep cleanliness, thorough cleanliness; Chupai: by keeping silent; Chup: stability of mind; Livtar: contemplation, focusing of mind.

Note: From the fifth line of the Pauri, it is clear that Guru Nanak Dev Ji is telling us the way of keeping the mind true and pure. The methods used by other religious i.e. bathing at places of pilgrims, trying to focus the mind in the solitude of jungles, satisfying the mind with Maya (mammon) and by describing the philosophy of the scriptures are of no consequence. He then explains the philosophy of Sikhism, and that is no live in Lord’s will and order.

If I maintain or try to acquire sanctity of my body by a hundred thousand baths at places of pilgrims, even then the purity of mind cannot by attained. If I contemplate continuously and observe perpetual silence, even then I cannot attain peace of mind.

Bhukhia bhukh n uttari je banna puria bhar.

Sahas sianpa lakh hohe ta ik n chalai nal(i).

Meaning of Difficult Word: Bhukhia : by becoming slave of desires; Banna : tie, tie-up, store; Puria bhar: heaps of materials from various places; Sahas: thousands; Sianpa: cleverness, wisdom, shrewdness; Hohe: If possessed, owned.

If I store heaps of materials of many kinds from various places, even then I will remain slave of my desires. My greed and hunger will not be satiated. If my thousand wisdoms and shrewdness become lakhs, even then not a single wisdom will support my actions in the divine court.

Kiv Sachiara hooiai kiv kurhai tutai pal(i).

Hukam(i) rajai chalna Nanak likhia nal(i).1.

Meaning of Difficult Words: Sachiara: fit to receive light divine; Hukam (i): in the divine order; Rajai: consent of Lord; Nal(i): in the lot of living beings, since the time of the formation of this world.

Then how can one receive the light divine of the Lord and the will of falsehood be removed? The answer is; that one should live according to divine orders. This is the only means by which the wall of falsehood can be broken. Hey Nanak, this method has been in vogue and applicable on all human beings since the formation of the world.

To live according to God’s will mean to develop love with Him and mould one’s nature according to the traits of Lord. One should strive to adopt the divine qualities in oneself.

Hukami hovan(i) akar, hukam na kahia jai.

Hukami bovan(i) Ji, hukam milai vadai.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Hukami : by the divine order; Akar : bodies, shapes.

Things take shape by the divine order of the Lord which is difficult to explain what it is like. All life takes birth according to His will, receives the honour and respect at the divine court by His order.

Hukami uttam neech(u) hukam(i) likh(i) dukh such paieh(i).

Ikna hukami bakhsis ik(i) bukami sada bhavaieh(i).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Paieh: are received; Bhavaieh(i): are put into circle/routine.

A person becomes good or bad according to God’s will. He enjoys the comforts or suffers in his life according to his performed actions. Lord by His will, bestows grace on some while others are put into a repetitive routine of birth and death.

Hukamai andar(i) sabh(u) ko bahar hukam n koey.

Nanak bukamai je bujhai ta haumai kahai no koey. 2.

All life is existing under His order. No one is outside His authority. If a person understands this divine truth, he will then not talk egoistically.

Gavai ko tan (u) bovai kisai tann(u).

Gavai ko dat(i) janai nisan(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Tan(u): strength; Dat(i): articles gifted/blessed by Him; Nisan(u): symbol of his blessing.

He who has strength or power bestowed by the Lord, sings His praises. He praises those deeds of the Lord which show His great strength or patience. Some sing praises of Lord for His boons and gifts considering them the mark or symbols of His compassion.

Gavai ko gun vadiaia char.

Gavai ko vidya vikham(u) vichar(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Char: beautiful; Vinkham (u): difficult, Vichar : Knowledge

Some describe His beautiful qualities and greatness. Some sing His praises after acquiring knowledge by strenuous efforts. He studies, holds discussion and debates.

Gavi ko saj(i) karey tan(u) kheb.

Gavi ko jee lai phir(i) deb.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Saj(u)creates; Khe: ash, dust; Jee: life; Deh: gives

Some sing Him because He is the creator and destroyer of all bodies and forms. Some sing His glory because He takes away life and give too.

Gavai ko japai disai (i).

Gavai ko vehkai hadra hadoor(i).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Japai: it seems to be; Hadra hadoor: omnipresent, present.

Some consider Him to be far away while for others, He is near and present everywhere.

Kathna kathi na avai tot(i).

Kath(i) kath(i) kathi koti kot(i) kot(i).

Meanings of Difficult Words: kathna: to say; Tot(i): end; Kot(i): crore (ten million); Koti: many million times.

Many millions have tried to explain about Lord’s will or His divine order many times, but there is no limit of the extent applicability of His order or will. The vastness of His will or spiritual order cannot be explained.

Deda de laidey thak(i) pahe.

Juga jugantar(i) khahi khahe.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Deda: provider, the Lord; Laidey: takers, the living being; Juga jugantar(i): in all the ears, since the beginning.

Almighty is providing subsistence to all the human beings since the beginning of era and the living beings get tired of accepting them. It means the acceptors perish accepting His blessings, yet He keeps giving them all their necessities. All the living beings survive due to materials provided by Lord.

Hukami hukam(u) chalaey rah(u).

Nanak vigsai veparvah(u).3.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Hukami hukam(u): the divine order of Lord; Rah(u): system of operation of world; Nanak: hey Nanak; Vigsai: is pleased.

All the worldly functions are operating according to the orders of the divine ruler, and in doing so, they Nanak! Lord remains carefree and does it at His pleasure. That is to say, while providing subsistence to living beings ceaselessly, He always remains in a state of happiness. The whole creation (world) is functioning by the strength of His order.

No human being has been able to carry out assessment or evaluation of Lord’s strength. Each individual has been trying to establish His greatness, seeing His dispensations since ages Lord’s authority and strength is beyond comprehension.

Sacha sahib(u) sach(u) naey

Bhakhia bhau apar(u).

Akheh(i) mangeh(i) deh(i) deh(i)

Dat(i) karey datar(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Sacha: everlasting, Stable; Naey: justice; Bhakhia: language; Bhau: Love.

The Lord’s is ever-stable and eternal. His justice is true and sure to happen. His language is full of love and He is beyond comprehension. People beg favours from Him and ask His boons and blessings. The mighty donor then obliges all without distinction.

Pher(i) ke agai rakhiai jit(u) disai darbar(u).

Muhao ke bolan(u) boliai jit(u) sun(i) dharey piar(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Pher(i): then; Ke: what offerings; Ke bolan(u): what words.

When Lord is providing us with all items of our need, then what offerings should we make before Him in order to receive his favours? What words of prayer should we say so that He listens to us favourably and He feels love for us.

Amrit vela sach(u) nao, vadiai vichar(u).

Karmi avai kaprha nadir mokh(u)dura(u).

Nanak evai janiai sabh(u) apey sachiar(u).4.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Amrit Vela: Last quarter of night, at least three hours before sunrise ambrosial hour, Karami: by God’s benevolence; Kaprha: human from (to sing His glory); Mokh(u): salvation; Duar(u): Lord’s door; Sabh(u): everywhere.

The ambrosial hour (when calmness prevails) and a man’s mind is at rest from his worldly involvements) is most appropriate for meditation of God’s name. sing and reflect on His great-unparalleled traits. It is by His benevolence that one gets human body, whose main objective is to sing praises and glory of the Lord. Only then, by His grace, can one break the wall of falsehood and attain Lord’s door. Hey Nanak! It is then realised that the everlasting Lord is present everywhere.

No amount of charity or rendering economic help to anyone can remove the chasm between man and God, because all these boons are given by Him. They only means of removing this gap is that a man should adopt loving attitude in his deeds and conversation while dealing with mere eye wash. One should meditate and sing His praises in the ambrosial hours of the day.

Thapia na jaey kita n hoey.

Apey ap(i) niranjan soey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Thapia na jaey: cannot be created or established; Kita n hoey: cannot be made/ manufactured; Niranjan: free of Maya (mammon).

Lord is ever free from the influence of worldly pleasures because He is one of His kind who Himself has crated all the pleasures. He cannot be created or established by anyone because no one has even iota of strength equal of Him.

Jin(i) sevia tin(i) paya man(u).

Nanak gaviai guni nidhan (u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Guni nidhan(u): the treasure house of virtues; Sevia: worshipped.

He who has meditated on God, has attained His favour and respect. Hey Nanak, let us also sing the praises of the wonderful Lord, who is a treasure house of virtues.

Gaviai suniai man(i) rakhiai bhao.

Dukh(u) parhar(i) sukh(u) ghar(i) lai jaey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Ghar(i): in the heart; Dukh(u) parhar(i): by ridding distresses.

Let us sing and hear the glory of Almighty and dwell His love in our hearts. By such actions, can a person remove all this and inhabit spiritual happiness in his heart.

Gurmukh(i) nadang gurmukh(i) vedang

Gurmukh(i) rahia smai.

Gur(u) isar(u) gur(u)gorakh(u) Barma

Gur(u) parbati mai.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Gurmukh(i): through the words the words of Guru. Nadang : sound/reverberation of naam; vedang: knowledge Isar(u): Shiv; Barma: Barhma.

The all powerfull Naam of the Lord and His knowledge is acquired through Guru. The concept of God’s omnipresence is made known and evident through Guru alone. Guru is Brahma and Gorakh for us. Guru is goddess Parbati. It means Shiv, Gorakh or Parbati are not our objects of worship. For us, Guru alone is everything.

Je hau jana akha nahi kehna kahtan (u) n jaee.

Gura ik deh(i) bujhai.

Sabhana jia ka ik(u)data.

So mai(n) visar(i) n jaee.5.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Hau: myself; Jana: if I understand; Akha nahi: cannot explain; Gura: O my Guru; Ik(u) deh(i) bujhai: Make me comprehend one thing.

If I am able to comprehend the divine order, even then I cannot explain it. It is difficult to know deeply and narrate in totality, the divine order of Almighty. O Lord! I pray before Thee to give me the wisdom that I may not ever forget (Him) Thee who blesses all with His boons and gifts.

Tirath(i) nava je tis(u) bhava vin(u) bhaney ke naey kari

Jeti sirth(i) upai vekha vin(u) karma ke milai lai.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Tirth(i): pilgrimage centres; I bathe; Vin(u) bhaney: without Lord’s acceptance; Ke naey kari: of what good this bath be; Sirth(i): Universe; Upai: created; Vin(u) karma: without Lord’s clemency; Ke milai: what does one get; Lai: can get.

I should visit pilgrimage centres to bath myself if this can please my Lord. But if He is not pleased by such acts, what good would be my visiting these places of pilgrimage? Whatever expanse of His creation I see, no one gets anything without the clemency and blessing of the Lord, nor anyone can obtain anything.

Mat(i) vich(i) rattan jawahar manik

Je ik gur ki sikh suni.

Gura ik deh(i) bujhai.

Sabhna jia ka ik (u) data so mai(n) visar(i) n jai.6.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Mat(i) vich(i): in the mind of a man; Manik: pearls; Ik Sikh: a sermon of the Guru.

If a sermon of Satguru is listened to and accepted, appear in pearls and precious stone like invaluable traits will appear in the mind of a man. Therefore, O Satguru Ji, it is my prayer before you that I may well be given this understanding that I should never fail to remember the Timeless Lord who is bestower of boons and gifts on all living beings.

Je jug charey arja hor dasuni hoey.

Nava khanda vich (i) janiai nal(i) chalai sabh(u) koey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Arja: Life; Dasuni: ten times; Nava khanda vich(i): in the whole, universe; Janiai: be known.

If a man acquires age equal to four epoches, not ony this such but ten times more than this; and he becomes known in the whole world and every one would follow him.

Changa nao rakhaey kai jas (u) kirat(i) jag(i) ley.

Je tis(u) nadr(i) n avee ta vat n puchhai key.

Keeta andar(i) keet(u) dosi dos(u) dharey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: changa nao: Good reputation; Keet(u): insect, wrom; Kar(i)dosi: declared as an offender.

If he acquires good reputation and wins praises of the whole world, and yet he has not received the clement look of the Lord, then he is like man who is ignored totally and none asks him about his welfare. Despite being so respectable, he is still a destitute. Such a person is no better than a worm before Lord. He is then declared an offender with accusations of forgetting God’s name.

Nanake nirgun(i) gun(u) karey gunwanita gun(u) dey.

Teha koey n sujhaee je tis(u) gun(u) koey karey.7.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Nirgun(i): virtueless person; Gunwantia: virtuous people; N sujhaee: is not found.

Hey Nanak! The timeless Lord can bless virtuless people with virtues and good traits. The virtues are also blessed by Him. One cannot find such a person who can bless dmerited persons with good characteristics.

Central Idea: By yogic exercise, one may be able to increase one’s age and earn a name for oneself, but if one is without the virtue of Lord’s worship, one cannot become eligible for His grace. Without Lord’s grace, a person without the assets of Naam Simran is no better than a worm in the eyes of Almighty.

Suniai sidh peer sur(i) nath. Suniai dhart(i) dhaval akas

Suniai deep lo patal. Suniai poh(i) n sakai kal(u).

Nanak bhagta sada vigasu). Suniai dukh pap ka nas(u).8.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Suniai: by attaching one’s conscious with Lord’s name; Dhaval: support of earth; Suri(i): gods; Lo: lands of people; Poh(i) n sakai: cannot frighten.

Hey Nanak! The minds of those who attach their consciousness in the name of the Lord, remain in bloom perpetually because listening to His glory disperse away a man’s sins and distresses.

By attaching one’s consciousness with the naam of the Lord’s a man can rise to the high state of Sidhs, Peers, Naths and gods. Such a man comes to realise that Lord alone is the support of the Earth and the sky and He is omnipresent in all the lands, islands, nether lands etc. Such a man is not frightened by death. He is not affected by time.

Suniai Isar(u) Barma Ind(u).

Suniai mukh(i) salahan mand(u).

Suniai jog jugat(u) tan(i) bhed.

Suniai sasat simrat(i) ved.

Nanak bhagata sada vigas(u).

Suniai dukh pap ka nas(u).9

Meanings of Difficult Words: Isar(u): Shiv; Ind(u): indra; Salhan: Praises, adulations; Mand(u): evil person; Jog Jugat(i): means of Yog-mat.

By attaching one’s conscious with the name of Lord, an ordinary man reaches the high position of Shiv, Brahma and God Indra. Even when an evil person starts singing his adulations and praises, he also comes to know the secrets of the intricate functions of various parts of the body, like eyes, ears, tongue that often leads him astray. Attaching one’s consciousness with Lord’s name also disclose the means of reaching Lord. He gets to know the realities of all books of knowledge like Vedas and Simritis.

He Nanak! Those who attach their consciousness with Lord’s name, their minds remain in bloom perpetually, because hearing His glory destroys all sins and tribulations.

Suniai sat(u) santokh(u) gian(u).

Suniai atsath(i) ka isnan(u).

Suniai parh(i) parh(i) paveh(i) man(u).

Suniai lagai sahaj(i) dhian(u).

Nanak bhagata sada vigas(u).

Suniai dukh pap ka nas (u).10.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Athsath(i): sixty eight places of pilgrimage; Dhian(u): to concentrate upon, meditate; Sat(u) Santokh(u): charity of and contentment.

Attaching consciousness with Lord’s name generates temperament of contentment and helping others through charity, as if one has visited and bathed at sixty eight places of pilgrimage. In other words, one who remains attached with Lord’s name, need not go to sixty eight pilgrim centres for bathing and absolving himself of his sins. The respect that a man achieves by readings books, His devotees reach it without much fuss by meditating on Lord’s name. by attaching consciousness on Lord’s name, one’s mind becomes stable and he achieves a state of equipoise.

He Nanak! Those who keep their conscious mind attached with Lord’s name, remain in a state of bloom perpetually because listening to Lord’s glory and praises remove all tribulations and destroy sins.

Suniai sara guna ke gah.

Suniai seikh peer patisah.

Suniai andhey pavah(i)rah(u).

Suniai hath hovai asgah(u).

Nanak bhagata sada vigas(u).

Suniai dukh pap ka nas(u).11.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Sara guna ke: a reservoir of virtues; Gah: possessor; Asgah: deep worldly ocean; Hath hovai: learns of the depth.

By attaching one’s consciousness in the Lord’s name, an ordinary person becomes possessor of a vast reservoir of virtues. He attains the exalted status of a Sheikh, Peer and Patishah. By contemplating on His name, even blind people bereft of knowledge and wisdom and wisdom, find a way of reaching Him. By remaining attached with Lord’s name, one learns the reality of depth of the worldly ocean.

Lord’s devotees’ mind is ever in bloom. Listening to His name destroys all distresses and sins.

Gist: By singing adulations and praises of Lord and listening to His glory being sung, an ordinary person acquires higher spiritual state of mind.

Manney ki gat(i) kahi n jaey.

Je ko kahai pichhai pachhtaey.

Kagad(i) kalam n likhanhar(u).

Manney ka beh(i) karam(i) vichar(u).

Aisa naam(u) niranjan(u) hoey.

Je ko mann(i) janai man(i) koey.12.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Manney: one who abides by; Gat(i): State.

The high spiritual state of that man cannot be described who has accepted Lord’s name. That is to stay whose mind is engrossed in Lord’s name. Even if someone tries to describe, he repents later, feeling that he had made a frivolous assessment. Even if many persons assemble to carry out the assessment, no one is capable of recording it on paper. His name is Supreme and beyond the influence of Maya. One who attaches himself with it also acquires a high spiritual state. But this can only understood when a person tries to concentrate his mind on naam with love and devotion.

Mannai surt(i) hovai man(i) budh(i).

Mannai sagal bhavan ki sudh(i).

Mannai muh(i) chota n khaey.

Mannai jam kai sath(i) n jaey.

Aisa naam(u) nirnjan hoey.

Je ko mann(i) janai man(i) koey.13.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Mannai: because of acceptance; Budh(i): awakening; Muh(i): on the face.

When a person develops fondness for the name of the Lord, his conscious rises and his mind is awakened. In other words, a mind, which is deeply attached in Maya, turns away from it. Such a person gets to know that God is Omnipresent. Then such a person does not bear the onslaughts of evil temperament on his face and the messenger of death does not disturb him. He escapes from the cycle of birth and re-birth. Lord’s name, which is so much away from the influence of Maya, is so supreme that one who attaches himself with it, also acquires higher spiritual state of mind. But this can be appreciated when one develops devotion and attachment with His name.

Mannai marg(i) thak n paey.

Mannai pat(i) sio pargat(u) jaey.

Mannai mag(u) n chalai panth(u)

Mannai dharm seti sandbandh(u).

Aisa nam(u) niranjan(u) hoey.

Je ko mann(i) janai man(i) koey.14.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Thak: stop; Pat(i): respect; Pargat: appears as famous.

When a man’s mind get engrossed in Lord’s name, he is not stopped by the evil temperaments in life. He departs from the world with respect and glory. He establishes direct contact with righteousness and religion. He does not tread on the path of various other ideologies of the world. All doubts regarding a path being good or bad disappear from his life. Lord’s name that is free from influence of Maya, is so supreme that one who gets devoted to it, also acquires high spiritual status. But this is understood only when one develops fondness and devotion for His name in one’s mind.

Mannai paveh(i) mokh(u) duar(u).

Mannai parvarai sadhar(u).

Mannai tarai tarey gur(u)sikh.

Mannai Nanak bhaveh(i) n bhikh.

Aisa naam(u) niranjan(u) hoey.

Je ko mann(i) janai man(i) koey.15.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Mokh duar: salvation, path of liberation from falsehood; Sadhar(u): reaffirms the support of God; Bhikh: alms.

Once the mind starts loving the name of the Lord, then it surely finds a path of liberating itself falsehood. Such a person re-assures and re-affirms Lord’s support to his family members too. Since Satguru is also attached with Naam, he himself and by his sermons, the Sikhs too sail across the worldly ocean. By this attachment with Naam, a man is more dependent on various people. The Naam of the Timeless Lord which is beyond the effect of Maya, is so high that one who attaches himself with it also rises to that exalted level. But this can only be understood when a person is able to generate a feeling of love for Lord’s name in his own mind.

Note:In the twelfth Pauri, the word used is ‘Manney’ (wzB'). There is a difference in their meanings.’Manney’ means one who has accepted. But ‘Mannai’(wzB') means by accepting, if we accept or if our minds is enamoured.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Panch: those who have listened, accepted and whose consciousness is ever attached with Lord’s name, who have imbibed ‘faith’ in their hearts, (this ‘Panch’ is used for those people who have been described in the last eight Pauris).; Pradhan: leaders, elite and famous; Dargah: in the court of Lord; Soheh: befit; Gur(u) ek(u): guru alone; Dhian: concentration of mind.

Those whose mind is ever attached in Naam and those who developed a feeling of love for Lord, they become known as elite famous in this world and are treated as leaders. Those honourable people are also respected in the court of Lord. They also adore the kings’ court. Their presence befittingly raise the level of the kings and their courts. Only one Lord resides in their mind perpetually. They remain attached with the word of the Guru which is their primary aim.

Je ko kahai karai vichar(u).

Kartey kai karnai nabhi sumar.(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Kahai: describe; Vichar(u): deliberation of divine dispensations; Kartey kai karnai: the universe of the creator, Sumar: count, assessment.

But remaining attached with Guru’s words must not be construed that one can find and come to know the expanse of the Creator’s Universe. No one can carry out assessment or evaluation of the Universe of the Lord. One can keep debating and deliberating. To find the end and expanse of the Creator’s creation cannot be the aim of one’s life.

Note: In the ancient times, many sages performed penance in the jungle. They more Upanishads which are very ancient religious books. Some of these books reflect on the subject of the origin of the world and universe, how vast it is? Those sages who had gone to the jungle to engross themselves in worship, got busy in a topic, which is beyond the comprehension of a man. Here Satguru Ji is pointing towards that false notion or short-coming. As a result of these warped teachings, gullible and simple people took it as truth our earth is resting one the horns of a bull. By taking this example, Satguru Ji is condemning the notion and is saying that the expanse of the universe is limitless and its creator is limitless too.

Dhau(u) dharma(u) daya ka put(u).

Santokh(u) thap(i) rakha jin(i) sut(i).

Je ko bujhai hovai sachiar(u).

Dhavlai upar(u) keta bhar(u).

Dharti hor(u) parai hor(u) hor(u).

Tis te bhar(u) talai kavan(u) jor(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Dhaul: bull; Daya ka put(u): where kindness prevails; righteousness blooms; Santokh(u): contentment; Thap(i) rakhia: has established; Sut(i): in a thread; Bujhai: if understands; Sachiar (u): fit for enlightenment with truth; Keta bhar(u): unlimited weight; Dhart hor(u): beneath the Earth (another bull); Parai: yet beneath it; Tis te:(below) that bull; Kavan(u) jor(u): what is the support?

The righteous rule made by Timeless Lord is the mythical bull, that is sustaining the Universe. The righteousness is product out of kindness. In order to keep the Universe functioning in an orderly fashion, Lord out of His clemency, has made righteous rules. Thus the righteousness gave birth to contentment according to its tradition. If a person is able to grasp the above described logic. He becomes fit for enlightenment with divine knowledge. Otherwise juts imagine how much weight of the Earth rests on the bull and how can he fit so much weight? Another argument is that if the Earth has a bull beneath it, then there must be another Earth on which the bull standing. Even that Earth will have its own bull supporting it and thus there will be an unending chain of Earth and bulls.

Jee jat(i) ranga ke nav. Sabhna likhia vurbi kalam.

Eh(u) lekha likh(i) janai koey. Lekha likhia keta hoey.

Keta tan(u) sualiauh(u) rup(u).

Keti dat(i) janai kaun(u) kut(u).

Kita pasao eko kavao. Tis te hoey lakh dariao.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Jee: Living beings; Ke nav: of many names; Vurhi kalam: with ever flowing pen; Likh(i) janai knows how to write; Koey: some rare person; Lekha likhia: written account; Keta hoey: may grow big and great; Pasao: expanse spread; Kavao: order; Tis te: therefrom; Lakh dariao: of rivers innumerable systems; Sualiauh(u): beautiful; Kut(u): estimate, assessment.

This Universe has many species of living beings. Lord has written entire life with His ever flowing pen and a very rare person knows anything about His deeds. In other words, no one can know the expanse of Lord’s creation. If anybody makes an effort, he would not know how vast or voluminous this effort will be. His strength is infinite. He is infinitely beautiful. His blessings are beyond comprehension. Who can make assessments or evaluation of His blessings? By His order, He has made the world and the same order, created lakhs of living systems.

Kudrat(i) kavan kaha vichar(u).

Varia n java ek var.

Jo tudh(u) bhavai sai bhali kar.

Tu sada salamat(i) Nirankar.16.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Kudrat(i): strength, power; Kaha vichar(u): if I can reflect; Varia n java: what ability do I have; Sai kar: same deeds/actions; Salamat(i): ever in existence; Nirankar: O formless God.

What strength and ability do I have that I may describe the vastness and power of the Creator Lord. O timeless Lord, I am not worth sacrifice unto Thee even once. That is to say, my existence is infinitesimally small before Thee. O Lord, Thou art ever immutable. Whatever pleaseth Thee is right. In order words, it is correct to live in Thine will.

Highly fortunate are those who have made Guru’s teaching as the path and objective of their life, who have consciously attached their minds with Lord’s name and developed a relationship of love with Him. Living life in the will of Lord is what pleases them. This religion of total dependence on Naam Simran is their life support. Thus they lead a contented life.

But treading the path as dictated by Guru does not mean that one can come to know the expanse of His created Universe. The vastness of the riddle of this Universe will increase manifold as one tries to unravel its mystery. It will still appear infinite. In fact this was the outcome of such unbecoming efforts that a common man took it for granted that our Earth rests on a bull. To find the expanse of the Lord’s creation cannot become the objective of a man.

Asankh jap asankh bhao.

Asankh puja asankh tap tao.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Asank: innumerable; Bhao: love; Tap tao: penances.

In the creation of the Lord, innumerable living beings are busy in His remembrance. Countless are expressing and treating others lovingly. Countless are busy in worship and strenuous penances.

Asankh granth mukh(i) ved path.

Asankh jog man(i) raheh(i) udas.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Mukh(i): orally; Granth ved: recitation of Vedas and other religious scriptures; Jog: who adopt Jogsim; Man(i) : in the mind; Raheh(i) udas: remain morose, melancholy.

Countless people are reciting Vedas and other sacred books orally. There are many who have taken to Yogmat and are living a life of dejection and melancholy from Maya (mammon)

Asankh bhagat gun gian vichar.

Asankh sati asankh datar.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Sati: donors and charitable persons; Datar: clement person, who gives out of kindness.

In the Universe of the Timeless Lord, there are myriad devotees who are contemplating on the virtues and glory of Lord. Countless are indulging in donations and charity.

Asankh sur muh bhakh sar.

Asankh mon(i) liv laey tar.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Sur: brave warriors; Mukh : on the face; Bhakh sar: bear the attacks of weapons; Mon(i): those who remain silent; Liv laey tar: continuous attachment of mind.

In the creation of God, there are unlimited number of brave warriors who bear the attack of their enemy face to face. There are many silent sages of who are in perpetual attachment of their mind with their deity.

Kudrat(i) kavan kaha vichar(u). Varia n java ek var.

Jo tudh(u) bhavai sai bhali kar.

Tu sada salamat(i) Nirankar.17.

What strength do I have that I should discuss the creation of the Creator? Hey Timeless Lord! I am not worthy of sacrificing myself over Thee even once. My existence is infinitesimally small. Thou art ever stable and firm O Formless Supreme. Whatever pleaseth Thee is the best. The most appropriate is to live in Thine will.

What to speak of finding the ultimate of Lord’s creation, if we jut try to count those who have been doing perpetual recitation of His name, indulging in penances, recitation of sacred scriptures, sitting still in the worship of their deity, we shall never be able to arrive at a remotely correct answer.

Asankh murakh andh ghor.

Asankh chor haramkhor.

Asankh amar kar(i) jahe jor.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Murakh andh ghor: highly foolish; Haramkhor: usurpers; Amar: order; Jor: pushed around.

There are innumerable highly foolish people in the Universe of formless Lord. Countless are thieves who usurp others, goods. Myriad are those who are using oppression and tyranny on others. After all this, they depart from this world.

Asankh glavadh hatia kamahe.

Asankh papi pap(u) kar(i) jahe.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Galvadh: throat slitters; Hatia kamaheh(i): murderers;

Countless murderesses are slitting others’ throat and countless commit sins and depart from this world.

Asankh kurhiar kurhey phirahe.

Asankh malechh mal(u) bhakh(i) khahe.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Kurhiar: lying nature; Kurhey: in falsehood; Phirahe: are busy; Malechh: of dirty and polluted wisdom; Khahe: eat.

Innumerable liars are busy making false statements and countless people of polluted wisdom are eating dirt and filth.

Asankh nindak sir(i) karah(i) bhar(u).

Nanak neech(u) kahai vichar(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Sir(i) kareh bhar(u): carry burden of their head.

Countless slanderers indulge in slandering and thus carry burden of ill-deeds on their head. O Lord, there are many others who are caught in the evil and nefarious activities. What power do I have to describe the greatness and vastness of Thine empire? Nanak only makes small submission in respect of the above described people.

Varia na java ek var.

Jo tudh(u) bhavai sai bhali kar.

Tu sada salamat(i) Nirankar.18.

O Lord, I am not even worth sacrificing unto Thee even once. I have no ability to assess the vast expanse of Thine Universe. O Lord! Thou art eternal. Whatever is Thy will, is the best. Living by Thy will is the most appropriate for me. Singing your praises and glory is the best for us living beings.

What to speak of finding the expanse of the Universe, we cannot even carry out exact assessment of those who are busy in such activities as theft, dacoity, cheating and slandering etc. ever since the creation of the living beings on this Earth, innumerable people are living life of vices and evil deeds.

Asankh nav asankh thav.

Agamm agamm asankh lo.

Asankh kaheh(i) sir(i) bhar(u) hoey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Agamm: beyond reach: Lo: worlds, places of habitation.

Many living beings and innumerable articles in the Universe have countless names. These things in places beyond counting. There are countless places in the Universe where a man cannot reach but for describing the vastness and expanse of the Universe, if we use the world Asankh, then too are making gross mistake because this quantity is also reachable and therefore, inappropriate to describe His greatness.

Akhri nam(u) akhri salah. Akhri gian(u) geet gun gah.

Akhri likhan bolan(u) ban(i).

Akhra sir(i) sanjog(u) vakhan(i).

Jin(i) eh(i) likey tis(u) sir(i) nahe.

Jiv phurmaey tiv tiv pahe.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Akhree: by/through the words; Gun gah: learn His traits; Ban(i): Bani, utterances; Likhan(u): writing; Sanjog: writing of the fortune; Tis(u) sir(i): on the head of God; Phurmaey: Lord’s orders; Pahe: enjoy it, live with it.

Although for describing Lord’s Universe, what to speak of Asankh, no word is appropriate, yet His name can only be recited in words. His praise and greatness can only be described in words; Knowledge about God can only be discussed by words alone. We learn about His qualities, and poems of His praise thorough the medium of words alone. Languages spoken can only be described by words when put in written mode. Fortunes of all living beings are described through the medium of words. Therefore, the word Asankh has been used. The Lord, who has written the fortunes of the living beings in the form of words, carries no writings on His own forehead. It means no one can describe Him in words. Whatever way the desires, all livings spend their lives accordingly.

Jeta keeta teta nao. Vin(u) navai nahi ko thao.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Jeta keeta: whatever He has created; Teta: all that; Nao: name, naam.

All this world and Universe hat Lord has created, is His form. No place is bereft of His form. In other words, whatever and wherever we see, He exists there. Evey speck of dust is His form or He is prevalent in every speck of dust of the Universe.

Kudrat(i) kavan kaha vichar(u).

Varia na java ek var.

Jo tudh(u) bhavai saee bhalt kar.

Tu sada salamat Nirnkar.19.

What power do I have that I should describe vast expanse of Lord’s creation? O Lord, I am not fit to sacrifice myself unto Thee even once. My existence is too small and trivial. O Lord, Thou art eternal. It behoves us all to live in Thine will and order.

Well how many Earths and living beings are by Lord? No languages has an appropriate word that can describe His details. Languages too is a boon of the Lord received by mankind. But this is meant to say his praises and glory. It is not possible to learn the extent of His vastness through the medium of language. His creation is infinite and unfathomable. But whichever direction one sees, He is there. Who can carry out an estimate guess how big He is and how vast is His creation?

Bhartai hath(u) pari(u) tan(u) deh.

Pani dhotai utras(u) kehh.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Utras: is removed; Kheh: dust, dross.

If we soil our hands, feet or body, its washing with water removes the dust.

Moot paliti kaparh(u) hoey.

De saboon(u) laeeai uh(u) dhoey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Moot paliti: dirty or soled with urine; De saboon(u): with soap.

When a cloth is soiled with urine, it is washed with soap.

Bhariai mat(i) papa kai sang(i).

Oh(u) dhopai navai kai rang(i).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Mat(i): intelligence, Oh(u): sins; Dhopai: washed; Navai ke rang(i): with the loving name of Lord.

If the intelligence of a person is filed with sins, the sins are washed with the loving name of Lord.

Punni papi akhan(u) nahe.

Kar(i) kar(i) karma likh(u) lai jah.

Apey bij(i) apey hi kahau.

Nanak hukami avauh jahu. 20.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Akhan(u): words; Kar(i) kar(i) karma: whatever deeds one do; Likh(i): mind will adopt those habits; Hukmi: in order of Lord; Avauh jahu: will remain involved in birth and death.

Hey Nanak! One does not become virtues or a sinner just by being called wit these adjectives. Whatever type of deeds one performs, one will carry that type of sacraments engraved on the mind. Whatever one sows, one will reap its fruits and will remain caught up in the cycle of birth and death by divine order.

Note: in the first Pauri, Guru Ji has said- hukam(i) rajai chalna, Nanak likhia nal(i). In the second Pauri he sadi Hukami uttam(u) nich(u) hukam(i) likh(i) dukh sukh paieh(i). Now in this Pauri, this thought has been amply cleared. The entire Universe is operating, bound by definite rules of the Lord. These rules have been named as Hukam by Satguru Ji. Those rules are that whatever deeds one performs, one reap its fruit. He acquires good or bad sacraments accordingly, which put him in the cycle of birth and death. Alternately, he abides by Lord’s will and makes a success of his birth.

The influence of Maya puts a man on the road to sins and vices, His mind becomes dirty that keeps him away from the pure and pious. This becomes a cause of all his tribulations. Naam Simran is the only means that can wash away this filth. Therefore, meditation on His name is there to cleanse the mind to prepare it for a union with God. It cannot make him capable of knowing the extent of the Lord and His creation.

Tirath(u) tap(u) daya dat(u) dan(u).

Je ko pavai til ka man(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Je ko pavai: if a person can acquire; Til ka: equal to a sesame seed. Dat(u): given.

Visiting pilgrim centres, performing penances, showing compassion on living beings, alms given may make a person worthy of praise, but it is no more than a seed of sesame.

Sunia mania man(i) keeta bhao.

Antargat(i) tirath(i) mal(i) nao.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Sunnia: one who has beard Lord’s name; Mannia: whose mind has taken to that name; Keeta bhao: one who ahs loved Him; Antargat(i) tirath(i): pilgrim place within; Mal(i): rubbing repeatedly; Nao: bathed.

One who has attached his mind with the name of Lord, whose mind is enamoured by Naam, who has inhabited Almighty’s love in this mind, has bathed clean on his inner pilgrim centre. I other words, by attaching his mind with the Timeless Lord who is residing within him, that man has removed/washed away all the dross from his mind.

Sabhi(i) gun terey mai(i) nahi koey.

Vin(u) gun keetey bhagt(i) n hoey.

Suast(i) ath(i) bani barmao.

Sat(i) suhan(u) sada man(i) chao.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Sabh(i): all; Mai(n) nahi koey: I am insignificant; Vin(u) gun keetey: if thou do not bless me with Thy traits; Suast(i): ever; Suhan(u): beautiful, attractive; Man(i) chao: bloom in the mind.

O Lord Almighty, if Thou do not create Thine traits in me then I cannot do Thine worship. I am so insignificant and incapable of singing Thine traits. Hey formless mammon(Maya), bani and Brahma that is the creator of Universe. The word, Maya and creator are not different than Thou as some people have believed. Thou art eternal, attractive and Thy heart is ever in bloom.

Kavan(u) su vela vakhat kavan(u)

Kavan thit(i) kavan(u) var.

Kavan(i) se ruti mah(u) kavan(u)

Jit(u) hoa akar(u)

What time, part of the day/night, day, date, month and season it was when the world was created?

Vel n paia pandati je hovai lekh(u) puran(u).

Vekhat(u) n paeo kadia je likhan(i) lekh(u) Quran(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Vel n paia: could not find the time: Pandati: by Pandits; Je: otherwise; Lekh(u): topic, subject; Lekh Puran(u): Puran of this subject; Na paeo: could not find; Kadia: by Quazis; Lihan(i): Quazis write; Lekh: description like Quran.

Note: Ahmedia Sect of Muslims belonging to Quadian are misconstruing the word – Vakht, Paeo and Kadia and misleading simple Sikhs by saying that Guru Nanak Dev Ji has foretold his Sikhs not to put the Prophet into distress who be born in the township of Quadian in Punjab.

We do not intend to indulge in any discussion. Meanings of word ‘Kadia’ has been explained in difficult words section. Vakht is Arabic word meaning time. While mentioning Hindu concept, word Vela ahs been used. In describing Muslim concept, Vakhat has been used which was part of their vocabulary. Wherever this word has appeared in Gurbani, it means time only.

The word Paio does not denote future definite tense as Ahmedias claim. This word denotes past tense. Such sentences of the past tense have appeared in Gurbani many a times.

When did the Universe come into existence? Pandits could not know that time. Otherwise a Puran would have been written on this subject. Even Quazis could not find answer to this question, otherwise they would have written a chapter on it as they did by collecting all the ‘aiyats’ and compiling them in the form of Quran.

Thit(i) var(u) na jogi janai rut(i) mah(u) na koi.

Ja karta sirthi kao sajey apey janai soi.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Ja Karta: that Creator; Sirthi kao: the Universe; Sajey: creates; Apey soi: He Himself.

When the Universe came into being, what was the date and the day? It is not known to even a Jogi. No one can tell what season and what month it was. The Creator, who created it, only knows about it.

Kiv kar(i) akha kiv salahi kio varni kiv jana.

Nanak akhan(i) sabh(u) ko akhai ik du ik(u) siana.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Kiv kar(i): how; Akha: I say; Salahi: I say praises of Almighty; Varni: I describe; Sabh(u): everybody; Akhan(i) akhai: He says for saying’s sake; Ik dui k(u) siana: one claims to be wiser than the other; Du; form.

How can I describe greatness of Almighty, say His praises, describe His magnificence and how would I understand it? Hey Nanak, everyone claims to be wiser than the other and tries to eulogise Him, yet cannot describe even a fraction of the total.

Vada Sahib(u) vadi maee keeta ja ka hovai.

Nanak je ko apao janai agai gaya n sohai.21.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Sahib(u): Almighty; Naee: praise; Keeta ja ke hovai: Lord, who is cause of all; Je ko: if anyone; Apao: on the strength of his wisdom; N Sohai: it does behove; Agai gaya: at the door of Almighty.

Almighty is mightiest of all. His attributes are great. Whatever is happening in the Universe, is being done by Him. Hey Nanak, if someone with His wisdom tries to fathom the extent of Lord’s characteristics, he would never be able to receive in the Court of Almighty.

He who has attached his mind in the name of the Lord; he who has developed longing for His meditation, develops love for the Lord in his heart, his soul becomes pure and pious. But his devotion is obtained by His grace.

The net outcome of all worship is not that a man should be able to say when this Universe had come into being. No one like Pandits, Quazis or even Jogis have been able to find His secret. God is mighty. His laudation is mighty too and so is His creation.

Patala patal lakh agasa agas.

Orhak orhak bhal(i) thakey ved kahan(i) ik vat.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Patala patal: more nether regions below one nether region; Agasa agas: skies over sky; Orhak: at least, at he end; Bhal(i) thakey: tired of searching; Kahan(i): say; Ik vat: one thing, in one tongue.

There are many nether regions below each one of them. There are lakhs of skies above every sky. Countless sages and holy men became tired of searching the extent of this expanse. Yet they could not find. This is one thing that the Vedas say in one voice.

Sahas atharah kahan(i) kateba asulu ik(u) dhat(u).

Lekha hoey ta likhiai lekhai hoey vinas(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Sahs atharah: eighteen thousand worlds; Kateba: sacred books of western religions (Quran, Bible, Toret, Jamboor); Asulu: beginning; Ik(u) dhat: one God Almighty; Lekha hoey: if an explanation can be rendered; Likhiai: one can write; Lekhai hoey vinas: end in the explanation.

The four books of Semitic religions maintain that there are only eighteen thousand worlds which had emerged out of one Lord. But the truth is that numbers like thousands and lakhs cannot be used in describing His creation. His creation can only be explained if it ever was or become possible because the numbers and words and also the one who is rendering an explanation would come to an end.

Nanak vada akhiai apey janat ap(u).22.

Hey Nanak! The Almighty who is being called great in the world. He alone knows how big or vast He is. He alone knows about His own grandeur.

In describing the extent of creation of Lord, one cannot take support of figures like thousand and lakhs. It is so vast that the figures would come to an end describing it.

Salahi salah(i) eti surt(i) n paia.

Nadia atai vah paveh(i) sammund(i) n janieh(i).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Salahi: worthy of praise; Salah(i): by praising; Eti surt(i): this much understanding as to how is Almighty; N Paia: no one has found/obtained; Atai: and; Vah: Brooks; Paveh(i): fall into; Sammund(i): in the sea; N janieh(i): cannot be known.

Singing and describing praises and virtues of virtuous Lord, no man has been able to understand how great He is. Those who say His laudations merge in Him as the rivers and brooks fall in to sea to become indistinguishable with each order. They cannot even know the extent of the sea in which they have fallen.

Sammund sah sultan girha seti mal(u) dhan(u).

Keerhi tul(i) n hovani je tis(u) manauh n visareh(i).23.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Sammund sah sultan: Kings and Chief’s of the oceans; Girha seti: as high as mountains; Tul(i): equal; N hovani: cannot be; Tis(u) manauh: from the heart of; N visareh(i): if Thou art forgotten.

Emperors and Sultans of the sea, who may have wealth equivalent to the mountains, are not equal to an ant in the eyes of those who say and speak eulogy of the Lord, if thou O Lord, is not forgotten from the mind of that ant.

By devotion and worship, one cannot find the limits of Lord. But it must not be construed that there is no benefit of saying laudations of the Lord. By His worship, a man cares not about the kings and emperors. Infinite wealth is meaningless for him before the name of the Lord.

Ant(u) n sifti kehan(i) n ant(u).

Ant(u) n karnai den(i) n ant(u).

Ant(u) n vekhan(i) sunan(i) n ant(u).

Ant(u) n japai kia man(i) mant(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Sift: of praise; Karnai: of the created Universe; Den(i): by giving boons; N japai: cannot be estimated/assessed; Mant(u): sermon, counsel.

The laudations of Almighty are beyond limit. One cannot come to an end by counting them all. Virtues cannot be counted. No one can asses or estimate all His boons and creations. One cannot even reach anywhere near them by seeing and hearing about them. What counsel and teachings pervade in His mind, one cannot finds its end.

And(u) n japai keeta akar(u).

Ant(u) n jaai paravar(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Paravar: Near and far end shore/bank.

God has created His cosmos but its near and far end cannot be seen.

Ant(u) karn(i) ketey bil-lahe.

Ta key ant n paey jahe.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Bil-lahey: are moaning crying; N paey jahey: cannot be found.

Many are trying, crying and craving to find the extend of the Almighty, but His extent cannot be found.

Eh(u) ant(u) n janai koey.

Bahuta kahiai bahuta hoey.

The expanse of the virtues of the Lord which is being searched by myriad people, cannot be found. As we keep saying repeatedly that He is great, He is great; He seems even bigger than before.

Vada sahib(u) ucha thao.

Ochey upar(i) ucha nao.

Evad(u) ucha hovai koey.

Tis(u) uchey kao janai soey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Uchey upar(i) ucha: higher than high; Nao: name; Evad(u): so big.

Almighty is big and His abode is high. His name too is famous/high. If someone else could be as big, high and famous like Him, he alone can then understand the Lord Almighty how big He is.

Jevad(u) ap(i) janai ap(i) ap(i).

Nanak nadir karmi dat(i). 24.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Jevad(u): as big or great; Ap(i): He alone; Nadri: with a look, grace/kindness; Karmi: by blessings; Dat(i): boons.

Lord himself knows how big He is. Hey Nanak, all boons are received through His look of Grace and kindness.

God is embodiment of infinite virtues and His creation is also infinite. As we learn His virtues, He appears bigger and bigger. There is no one as great as Him in this world, therefore, no one can tell how great, big, high or spread He is.

Bahuta karm(u) likhia na jaey.

Vada data(i) til(u) n tamae.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Karm(u): blessing; Til(u): equivalent to a sesame seed; Tamaey: greed.

God is granter of many boons. He is free of all greed. His blessings are so big that these cannot be reduced to writing.

Ketey mangeh(i) jodh apar.

Ketea ganat nahi vichar(u).

Kete khap(i) tuteh(i) vekar.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Jodh apar: countless warriors; Ganat: counting; Vekar: in vices; Khap(i) tuteh: are vexed in vices.

Many warriors and many more like them whose number cannot be established, are demanding at the door of Almighty. Many are getting vexed in vices by using all His boons.

Ketey lai lai mukar(u) pahe.

Ketey murakh khabi khahe.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Mukar pahey: go back upon one’s words.

Countless creatures obtain all their needs from the door of God and go back upon Him. That is, they never say once that God Himself is giving them all these things not they feel thankful to Him. Many foolish people are receiving all that they need, consuming them but never remember God, the provider.

Ketia dukh bhukh sad mar.

Eh(i) bhi dat(i) teri datar.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Datar: Hey provider, Almighty.

Many living beings are ever spending their lives in hunger, distress and tribulation. Even this is Thine blessing because these afflictions teach a man to accept and live in the will of God.

Band(i) khalasi bhanai hoey.

Hor(u) akh(i) n sakai koey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Band(i): attachment with Maya; Khalasi: freedom; Bhanai: by living in His will; Hor(u): any other way than His will; Koey: any person.

Liberation from the attachment with Maya can only be achieved by living life in the will of Almighty. There is no other way than accepting His will and no one can suggest anything else. No one can suggest any other way of obtaining freedom from the attachment with Maya.

Je ko khaek(u) akhan(i) paey.

Oh(u) janai jetia muh(i) khaey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Khaek(u): foolish person; Akhan(i) paey: tries to say.

But if some foolish person tries to tell some other means of liberating oneself from the influence of mammon (Maya), then he alone knows how much ignominy he is made to bear for making such false claims. Therefore, they only way out is to remain in Lord’s will. But someone tries to find some other way out then instead of escaping from falsehood, he faces much greater distress.

Apey Janai apey dey.

Akheh(i) se bhe kei key.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Dey: gives; Se bhe this talk too; Kei key: many men.

All are not ungrateful. Many persons say that He alone is fulfilling needs of all the living creatures since He knows what is needed by them.

Jis no bakhsey sifat(i) salah.

Nanak patesahi patesah(u).25.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Patesahi patesah: emperor of the emperors.

Hey Nanak! He who is blessed by the Lord with the boon of eulogising Him, becomes emperor of the emperors. Laudation of the Lord is the best boon that a man can receive.

How great is Lord, is difficult to answer. His boons are so magnificent that these cannot be reduced to writing. All the great and rich men seen in the world have asked Him for all the boons they have and attained greatness by His grace. He is so magnanimous that He provides all without even their asking for anything. He knows all our needs.

But look at the foolishness of a man. He uses His blessings and forgets the provider. As a result, he gets himself engrossed in vices and thus acquires much grief, tribulations and distresses. Well, these tribulations are also His boons since these teach him a lesson of going back to his prime source and living life according to His will. He then starts eulogising the Lord which is His highest and supreme boon.

Amul gun amul vapar. Amul vapariey amul bhandar.

Amul aveh(i) amul lai jahe. Amul bhaey amula samahe.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Amul: invaluable; Bhandar: treasure; Bhaey: in love; Samahey: are engrossed in Almighty.

Almighty’s traits are invaluable. No one can carry out any assessment of them. To trade in these traits is also invaluable. The trader are invaluable too. The treasure of such traits are also invaluable. Those who come to this world to trade in these traits are also invaluable. They too are very fortunate who buy their commodity and take it with them. Those who are in love with the Lord, and those who are engrossed in Him are also priceless.

Amul(u) dharma(u) amul diban(u).

Amul(u) tul(u) amul(u) parvan(u).

Amul(u) bakhsis amul(u) nisan(u).

Amul(u) karm(u) amul(u) phurman.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Dharm(u): ruels, law; Diban(u): court; Tul(u): balance, weighing instrument; Parvan(u): weighing measures; Bakhsis: kindness, pleasing; Nisan(u): grace of Almighty; Karm(u): blessing; Phurman(u): order.

The laws and rules of Almighty are priceless and so is His court. The balance and weighing measures are also priceless with which He assesses good and bad deeds of the living beings. His blessings and symbols of His blessings are also invaluable. His boon are orders and are also beyond pricing. Nothing can be assessed.

Amulo amul(u) akhia na jaey.

Akh(i)akh(i) rahey liv laey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Amulo amul(u): invaluable and priceless; Akh(i) akh(i): by repeated estimates; Rahey: got tired; Liv laey: concentratedly.

Almighty is beyond all estimates. He cannot be assessed. Those who try to assess Him by concentrating their mind, they too get tired in the end and fail in their efforts.

Akheh(i) ved path puran. Akheh(i) parhey kareh(i) vakhian

Akheh(i) Barmey akheh(i) Ind. Akheh(i) Gopi tai Govind.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Akheh: describe; Ved path: Incantations of Vedas; Parhey: literate people; Kareh vakhian(i): elucidate; Barmey: many Brahma; Ind: God Indra; Tai: and; Govind: many Krishans.

The incantations of Vedas try to assess the greatness of Lord. Learned men, who counsel others, too try to describe the Lord. Many Brahmas, Indras, Krishnas and Gopis try to make an estimate of the greatness of Lord.

Akheh(i) Isar akheh(i) sidh. Akheh(i) ketey keetey budh.

Akheh(i) danav akheh(i) dev. Akheh(i) sur(i) nar mun(i) jan sev.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Isar: Shiv; Keetey: created by the Timeless Master; Danav: demons; Dev; Gods; Sur(i) na: god natured persons; Sev: servants.

Many Shivas, Sidhs and countless Budhas, demons and god natured persons, sages and servant created by God also try to make an estimate of Lord’s greatness.

Ketey akheh(i) akhan pahe.

Ketey keh(i) keh(i) uth(i) jahe.

Etey keetey hor(i) kerah(i). ta akh(i) n sakeh(i) ke-i-ke.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Akhan pahe: try to say; Uth(i) uth(i): are departing from the world; Hor(i) many more; Kareh(i): if thou creates; N ke-i-ke: no person can.

Many persons are estimating and may trying to estimate the limits of Lord’s creation. They all keep departing from this world without any success. Innumerable living beings have been created by Thee in the world who are describing Him, but hey Lord, even if Thou create many times more people, yet no one will be able to arrive at the estimate of Thy greatness and vastness.

Jevad(u) bhavai tevad(i) hoey.

Nanak janai sacha soey.

Je ko akhai bol(u) vigarh(u).

Ta lihiai sir(i) gavara gavar(u).26.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Jevad(u): as big; Bhavai: He desires; Tevad(u): that big; Sacha soey: the eternal Lord; Bol(u) vigarh(u): one who conurpts the utterances; Likhai: is written; Sir(i) gavara gavar(u): fool of high order.

In nutshell, Guru Patishah Ji is telling us that many learned and wise people had come to this world and many more will come, neither anyone has been able to strive at the answer not would be able to reach it in future. What are the laudation of the Lord and how much blessings is He showering on living beings? Infinite are His traits and infinite are His boons. No one else other than Lord Himself knows theirs secrete. To know about Him is beyond a man’s capability and strength. Treat that man to be a flippant who claims to find the limit of Lord.

So dar(u)keha so ghar(u) keha jit beh(i) sarb samaley.

Vajey nad anek asankha ketey vavanharey.

Ketey rag pari sio kahian(i) ketey gvanharey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Keha: what is it like, very wondrous; Samaley: Thou look after; Nad : mode of singing; Vavanharey: players of musical instruments; Pari sio: like times of celestial minstrels, fairs, singers; Kahian(i): are said.

That house indeed is wondrous where Oh formless lord, Thou sit and take casre of all the living beings. In this creation of Thine, there are in numerous modes of singing and musical instruments. There are infinite numbers of living beings who are playing them. There are myriad modes of singing being sung by celestial minstrels. There are countless living beings busy singing your praises in these modes.

Gaveh(i) tuhno paon(u)pani baisantar(u)

Gavai raja dharm(u) duarey.

Gavah(i) chit(u) supt(u) likh(i) janeh(i)

Likh(i) likh(i) dharma(u) vidharey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Duarey: On Thy door; baisantar: fire.

O Lord! Air, water and fire are singing Thy praises, Dharam Raj (whose mention is made in Hindu scriptures) is also singing Thine glories standing at Thy door. The so called chitragupt, who keeps a detailed account of all good and bad deeds committed by a person and on the basis of which Dharam Raj makes a decision about a person’s future, is also singing Thine praises.

Gaveh(i) Isar(u) Barma Devi sohan(i) sada swarey.

Gaveh(i) Ind Idasan(i) baithey devatia dar(i) naley.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Isar(u): Shiv Ji; Barma: Brahma; Devi : goddesses; Sohan(i) : befit; Ind: god Indra; devatia naley: along with gods.

Hey formless Lord! The so called goddesses, Shiv Ji and Brahma, who are adorned and spruced by the Thee, are ever singing Thine praises. Many sitting on their throne along with other gods are praising Thee.

Gaveh(i) sidh samadhi andar(i) gavan(i) sadh vicharey.

Gavan(i) jati sati santokhi gaveh(i) veer kararey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Vicharey: deliberates; Sati: donors; Veer kararey: brave warriors.

Sidhs are singing Thy praises sitting in contemplations mystics are praising Thee, while deliberating on Thine greatness. Those who have adopted penance, donors and contented people are all singing Thine praises in their own ways. Countless brave warriors are singing Thine eulogies.

Gavan(i) rattan(i) upaey terey athsath(i) tirath naley.

Gavah(i) jodh mahabal sura gaveh(i) khani charey.

Gaveh(i) khand mandal varbhanda

Kar(i) kar(i) rakhey dharey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Upaey terey: created by Thee; Athsath(i): sixty eight; Tirath naley; including places of pilgrimage; Jodh: brave; Mahabal: of great strength; Sura: warriors, fighters; Khani charey: all four system of production; Khand: regions; Mandal: galaxy; Varbhanda: the whole cosmos; Kar(i) kar(i): by creating; Dharey: placed in equilibrium/stable state.

Hey Almighty! All the jewels created by Thee and sixty eight pilgrim centres are also singing. Thy praise. Great warriors and brave people are adoring Thee. The whole cosmos, its regions and galaxy which Thou has created and placed in a stable state, are also singing Thee.

Se-I tudh no gaveh(i) jo tudh(u) bhavan(i),

Rattey terey bhagat rasaley.

Hor(i) ketey gavan(i) se mai chit(i) n avan(i)

Nanak(u) kia viharey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Se-i: those living creatures; Tudh(u) bhavan(i): are liked by the Thee; Rattey: dyed in Thine hue; Rasaley: admirer; Hor(i) ketey: many other creatures; Mai chit(i) n avan(i): I cannot remember; Kia vicharey: what can we say.

Hey Almighty Lord! In fact those admirer devotees who are dyed in Thy love, singing Thy praises who are liked by Thee. In other words, tributes of only those are successful who are loved by Thee. Many other creatures are also eulogising Thee who are beyond my ability to count. How can Nanak deliberate on them?

Soi soi sada sach(u) sahib sacha sachi nai.

Hai bhi hosi jaey n jasi rachna jin(i) rachai.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Sach(u): eternal; Nai: Praise, tribute; Hosi: will remain; Jaey n: is not born; N jasi: will not die; Jin(i): The Lord who; Rachai: has created.

The Lord who has created this cosmos, is present at this time. He will ever remain. He was never born nor will He ever die. The Lord is eternal and His tributes are immutable.

Rangi rangi bhati kar(i) kar(i) jinsi Maya jin(i) upai.

Kar(i) kar(i) vekhai keeta apna jiv tis di vadiai.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Rangi rangi: in many colours; Bhati: many kinds; Kar(i) kar(i): by creating Jinsi: many species; Jin(i): The Lord who; Vekhai: is sustaining and supporting; Keeta apna: His own created world; Jiv: as; Vadiai: will.

The Lord who has created mammon (Maya) of many kinds, colours and species, He is sustaining and supporting the cosmos with equal magnanimity and blessings befitting He himself and His Creation.

Jo tis(u) bhavai soi karsi hukam(u) n karma jai.

So patisah(u) saha patisahib(u) Nanak rahan(u)rajai.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Karsi: will do; N karma jai: cannot be done; Saha patisahib: emperor of the emperors; Rahan(u): behove living in; Rajai: in the divine will.

Whatever He likes, He will do. No one can order Him. No one can tell Him, “Don’t do like this, do it this way.” Almighty is an Emperor. He is Emperor of the emperors Hey Nanak, it behoves creatures to live in His will.

Note: How are inanimate objects like air, water and fire lauding the Almighty? It only means all elements that He has created operate, work and survive in His order. To live in His will is to praise and adore Him.

God has created infinite creation of many different colours, kinds and species. He Himself is sustaining the entire cosmos because He alone is eternal and stable. Is there anyone in the world who can lay claim that he knows from where God is operating? No one has such a capability. Only one thing behoves a man that he should live in his His will. This is the only means of removing the chasm between him and Lord, and which is the life’s ambition.

See! Right from the elements like air, water, fire and people of noble deeds are all trying to make success of the aim of their lives. They all are serving Him as per His order.

Therefore, He alone is worthy of praise and worship Shiv, Brahma, Indra, gods and goddesses, Chitragupta, Dharam Raj are all insignificant before him.

Munda santokh saram(u) pat(u) iholi

Dhian ki kareh(i) bibhoot(i).

Khindtha kal(u) kauri kaea jugat(u) danda partit(i).

Meanings of Difficult Words: ear rings; Sarm(u): hard work; Pat(u): begging bowl; (This word appears in three different forms in Sri Guru Granth Sahib. There are: Pat(i), Pat and Pat(u). These three may look the same but carry three different meanings. All there have come from Sanskrit. Pat(i) in Sanskrit means husband. In Punjabi it also means respect, honour.

(The word Pat(i) is a singular. The word in Sanskrit is Patar, which means a bowl, a utensil. Its plural is Pat, but this form has not appeared in Sri Guru Granth Sahib. For Pat, Sanskrit has another word ‘Patar’ which means leaves of the tree).

Kareh: If thou create; Bibhoot(i): ashes of burnt cowung; Khintha: patched blankets; Kal(u): death; Kuari kaea: untouched/indefiled body, body that has not been effected by vices. Jugat(u): code of Yog-mat; Partit: faith, trust.

Hey Yogi! If you make contentment your earings, handwork your begging bowl and bag; for ashes on the body, use concentration of mind on the name of God, let fear of death be your ragged blanket and to save the body from vices, a strict code of your cult with the staff of devotion, the wall of falsehood can be broken down.

A-ee panthi sagal jamati man(i) jeetai jag(u) jeet(u).

Ades(u) tisai ades(u).

Ad(i) ani(u) anad(i) anahait(i) jug(i) jug(u) eko ves(u).28.

Meanings of Difficult Words: A-ee panthi: name of one of the twelve communes of Jogis, associated with A-ee panth; Sagal: all the living creatures; Jamati: friends and well-wishes studying in the same class, associates; Man(i) jeetai: if the mind can be conquered; Ades(u): greetings, salute; Tisai: that Almighty; Anad(i): who ahs no beginning; Anahat(i) imperishable; Jug(u): ever; Ves(u): form.

He who considers the living creatures of the whole Universe as his friend, belongs to the commune of ‘A-ee Panth in true style. If one’s heart can be conquered, then the mammon of the world can not separate one from God. He is deemed to have conquered the world. To break the wall of falsehood, salute the Lord Almighty who is beginning of all, is pure and blemishes, whose beginning cannot be found by anyone, who is not perishable and ever remains in steady state.

The patched blanket, ear-rings and begging bowl and bag of the Jog-mat are not capable of removing chasm between a man and Lord. The more one sits in His memory, one would become contented; learn to work hard in life. Death will ever remain in the memory, remain safe from the vices and belief that God is omnipotent and exists in all his creation will get lodged in the mind.

Bhugat(i) gian(u) daya bhandaran(i).

Ghati(i) ghat(i) vajeh nad.

Ap(i) nath(u) nathi sabh ja ki ridh(i) sidh(i) avra sad.

Sanjog(u) vijog(u) duey kar chalaveh(i) lekhey aveh(i) bhag.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Bhugat(i): crushed bread mixed with sugar and butter/ghee; Bhandarn(i): distributor of ration; Ghat(i) ghat(i): in everybody; Vajeh: are sounding; Nad: word (Jogis sound a note by blowing into the horn that they carry around their neck/shoulder); Ap(i): Almighty Himself; Nathi: In control of; Sabh: entire Universe; Ridh(i): adulations; Lekhai: according to the deeds performed; Bhog: one’s share.

Hey Jogi! If the knowledge of omnipresence of God be the food for you, and kindness be the distributor of this food, the life force in every creature be the sound of the horn that you blow when you partake meal, Almighty be your Master or head of your sect who has entire cosmos in His control, then the wall of falsehood and chasm between you and God can be broken down. All occult powers acquired through penances of Yog-mat are worthless since these attractions take one away from the truth. Uniting and separating are the two forces of God those are moving the world. It is because of the past union that various members of one’s family have got together. In the divine will, they again move out according to their turn from there. They receive reward/awards according to the deeds performed. If this trust gets lodged in the mind, the wall of falsehood breaks from their inner self.

Ades(u) tisai ades(u). Ad(i) anil(i) anad(i)anahat(i)

Jug(u) jug(u) eko ves(u).29.

To remove the barrier of the falsehood, salute the Almighty who is the beginning of all, who is blemishless, who has no beginning, is not perishable and remains stable throughout.

By meditation, this knowledge will dawn that Lord is omnipresent. He is everyone’s Master. Living creatures assemble by His will and separate by His desire. This wisdom powers through Yogic exercises should not be taken as supreme achievements of life even by mistake. These take gullible people and cause their downfall from the high pedestal of humanity.

Eka maee jugat(i) via-ee tin(i) cheley parvan(u).

Ik(u) sansari ik(u) bhankdari ik laey diban(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Eka: alone; Maee: Mammon, worldly attractions; Jugat(i): by some method system; Via-ee: to produce or give birth to; Parvan(u): appeared, came forth; Sansari: house holder, Bhandari: sustainers; Laey: holds Diban(u): court.

It is a common belief of Hindusim that Maya (Mammon) alone got impregnated by some means and gave birth to three sons. One amongst the three became a householder (Brahma), the other son became responsible for the sustenance of all the creation and the third son Shiva started holding court to dispense justice to the living beings according to their deeds.

Jiv tis(u) bhavai tivai chalavai jiv hovai phurman(u).

Oh(u) veekhai ona nadr(i) n avai bahuta eh(u) vidan(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Jiv: as; Tis(u): to Almighty; Chalavi: operates the system of the world; Phurman(u): order; Oh(a): Almighty; Ona: to the creatures; Nadr(i) n avai: is not seen by; Vidan(u): wonderful happening.

Rejecting the above belief, Guru Sahib say that as the Almighty ordains and wills, He operates the system of the world. These three gods – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv has no authority in His region. It is such a wonderful happening that the Almighty is seeing all the creatures but the creatures cannot see the Lord.

Ades(u) tisai ades(u).

Adi(i) anil(u) anad(i) anhat(i).

Jug(u) jug(u) eko ves.30.

Therefore, pay all your tributes to Lord instead of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv, who is beginning of all, who is free of all blemishes, who has no beginning is not perishable and ever stays stable. This is the mean to remove separation with Almighty.

As the man is engrossed in the memory of the Lord more and more; he starts realising that Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv are not the forces which are responsible for the functioning of this Universe. He who mediates is sure in his mind that Lord Himself is operating the system of this Universe according to His will, although He is not visible to the living beings with their eyes.

Asan(u) loey loey bhandar.

Jo kichh(u) paea sue ka var.

Kar(i) kar(i) vekhai sirjanhar(u).

Nanak(u) sachey ki sachi kar.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Asan(u): abode; Loey loey: in very region; Paea: placed; Kar(i): kar(i): after creating living beings; Vekhai: takes care of; Sachi: eternal.

Lord’s store houses are located in all the regions of the Universe. His boons are being enjoyed in all lands, regions of the cosmos. Whatever he had to put in these store houses, He has done it once for all. His store houses never exhaust. The creator of the Universe has created the living beings and is taking care of them. Hey Nanak! This function of eternal and stable Lord is without any flaws and irrevocable.

Ades(u) tisai ades(u).

Ad(i) anil(u) anad(i) anahat(i).

Jug(u) jug(u) eko ves(u). 31.

Therefore, salute that one Almighty who is the source of all, is blemishless, whose beginning cannot be found, is not perishable and remains in a state of equipoise. This is the method which can bridge the gap between us and God.

It is by devotion and worship one understands that although His creation is infinite, yet to sustain it, His store houses are also infinite and can never exhaust. Noe impediment can come about in this system of Lord. It is perpetual and eternal.

Id doo jibhao lakh hohe lakh hoveh(i) lakh vees.

Lakh(u) lakh(u) gerba akhieh(i) ek(u) nam(u) jagdis.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Ik doo jibheao: from one tongue; Hohey: many bocme; Lakh vees: twenty lakhs; Gerha: movement to and fro; Akhieh: may be said; Jagdis: timless Lord.

If one tongue becomes one lakh and this number also become twenty lakhs and each of the twenty lakh tongues utters name of the Lord a lakh times, this too is a false claims of a false person that the he can reach God by dint of his strenuous efforts. This is nothing but false pride.

Et(u) rah(i) pat(i) pavrhia charhiai hoey ikis.

Sun(i) gala akas ki keeta a-ee rees.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Et(u) rah(i): on this path; Pat(i) parvarhia: steps leading to the abode of the Master; Cherhiai: can be climbed; Hoey ikis: surrendering one’s self; Sun(i): hearing; Keeta: to the worms.

The steps on the road leading to remove the chasm between Lord and a living creature can only be climbed by totally surrendering oneself. Mere repetition of His name many lakh time does not help unless self assertion is removed. This number based meditation effort is, as worms have decided to vie for the honour to reach the sky listening to the talk.

Nanak nadri paiai kurhai kurhi these.32.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Nadri: grace of the Almighty; Paiai: is obtained; Kurhai: false people; Kurhi these false talk.

Hey Nanak! If Lord showers His grace, only then can He be reached. Otherwise the self praise of a false person is all lie when he says that he is meditating.

Surrounded by the wall of falsehood, a person is encircled by the worries and tribulations of worldly affairs, Lord’s abode is a place where peace and tranquillity reigns supreme. From this nether region, a man can rise to the high region, if he takes refuge in Him by devoted and perpetual repetition of ‘Thou’ Thou. Without self surrender, this endeavour of Simran is just like a worm becoming fond of only those surrender their will before with will of God on whom He bestows His grace.

Akham(i) jor(u) chupai nah jor(u).

Jor(u) mangan(i) den(i) n jor(u).

Jor(u) n jeevan(i) marn(i) n jor(u).

Jor(u) n raj(i) mal(i) man(i) sor(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Akhan(i): in saying; Chupai: by keeping silent; jor(u): capability; Sor(u): noise.

We have no authority of our own in speaking or keeping quiet. We have no say in our demand as well as in living. We have no discretion in birth and death. We have no capability in obtaining wealth and kingdoms for which we make so much noise.

Jor(u) n surti gian(i) vichar(i).

Jor(u) n jugti chhutai sansar(u).

Jis(u) hath(i) jor(u) kar(i) vekhai soey.

Nanak uttam(u) neech n koey.33.

We have no strength to remain awake spiritually, in acquisition of knowledge and in discussion. We have no capability or authority on the method that provides us freedom from birth and death. The Lord who has strength alone creates and takes care in all respect. Hey Nanak! No one is superior or inferior in oneself. In other words, He is responsible for making people virtuous or full of vices. If by meditation, this faith gets people virtues or full of vices; if by meditation this faith gets people virtuous or full of vices; if by meditation this faith gets instilled in one’s mind, then only the distance between a man and God is removed.

It is not in the hands of the creatures to take to right or wrong path of life, Lord who has created us is making us dance lime puppets. So, if anyone is engaged in singing Lord’s adulations, it is his blessing. If anyone has slipped away from this path, even then its Lord’s will. If we seek boons at His door, it is also His motivation and that He Himself gives those gifts. If anyone is intoxicated in wealth and authority, that also is His will. If anyone is attached with the holy feet of the Lord and is leading a clean life, then this is also His grace and clemency.

Rati ruti thiti var.

Pavan pani agni patal.

Tis(u) vich(i) dharti thap(i) rakhi dharmasal.

Tis(u) vich(i) jee jugat(i) ke rang.

Tin ken am anek anant.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Dharamsal: Place of acquiring and performing righteousness; Ke rang: of many colours.

Nights, seasons, dates days, wind, water, fire and nether regions – out of all these, Lord, has fixed the Earth to perform righteous and religious acts. The Earth is inhabited by species of various colours and forms, which have countless names.

Karmi karmi hoey vichar(u).

Sacha ap(i) sacha darabar(u).

Tithai sohan(i) panch parvan(u).

Nari karam(i) pavai nisan(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Karmi karmi: according to deeds of the creatures; Sohan(i): adore; Parvan(u): without doubt; Karm(i): By the blessing; Pavai nisan(u): mark of grace.

The accounts all deeds done by the creatures of different names and colours is settled in the court of Lord. No mistake is ever made in this settlement because the Lord who is dispenser of justice is Himself true. His court is true too. His court is adored by saints and sages. Their faces bear signs of Lord’s grace and show signs of glory. This is Lord’s blessings to them.

Kach pakai othai paey. Nanak gaea japai jaey.34.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Pakai: ripped, baked; Paey: is found; Gaea: after reaching; Japai jaey: is found.

It is of no consequence of anyone to be known s small or big in this world. Their firmness or brittleness can only be found in the court of Lord. Hey Nanak! One only gets to know the truth on reaching Lord’s door as to who is fully acceptable and who is not.

He who receives Lord’s blessing comes to know first that he has come in this world to carry out some duties. All the creatures who are born here, are dispensed justice and rewarded/awarded according to the deed performed by them. Basically it is seen as to who has fulfilled the objective of the human birth. Those whose hard work is accepted are honoured in His court. It is of little consequence to be known as big or small in this world.

Note: Above is the first stage of a man’s spiritual struggle, where he recognises his duties. This stage is called ‘Dharm khand’.

Dharma khand ka eho dharm(u).

Gian khand ka akhauh karam(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Dharm(u): objective; Akhauh: I say now; Karm(u): deeds, aims; Eho: one that has been pre-stated.

This is the only objective of Dharm Khand that has been explained above. Now understand the objective of Gian Khand, which is being explained in the succeeding lines.

Note: In steps 34 and 37, Satguru Ji explains us the five spiritual stages of a man. These are Dharm Khand, Gian Khand, Sarm Khand, Karam Khand and Sach Khand.

These four steps describe how by the grace of God, a man from common spiritual state rises to become one with Him. First, he turns his mind away from the worldly pleasures and takes a peep at his soul by looking inward. He now starts contemplating on the aims of his life. Why has he come to this world and what are his duties? Why has he gradually that he has come to this world to do righteous deeds since Lord settles all the issues bearing effect on his conscious people are fortunate to receive His blessing find adoring place in His court. Respect or insult earned in this world carries no value in the divine court. They alone are worthy and honourable who are accepted in the divine court.

As a man’s mind contemplates more and more on such views, it unties the knot of selfishness from his mind. Since he was engrossed in Maya, he believed his family and his assets were his own. He would not think of anything other than himself and his family. Having known his duties and responsibilities, he now tries to increase his knowledge.

By the power of wisdom and knowledge, he now starts conceiving the infinite expanse of Lord’s creation. A storm of wisdom overtakes him that also blows away all his doubts and suspicions. As his understanding of the right increases, he derives such pleasure that was not obtaining in his involvement with Maya. This is Gian Khand of the spiritual path.

His desire to seek does not end here. Deliberation of Gurbani encourages him to go into the deep nuances of spiritual life. Understanding it by mere intelligence is not enough. The acquired ill-habits and vices cannot be shed by simply understanding. The old fixations have to be penetrated, demolished and new structure raised. New proclivities of higher consciousness are to be imbibed. One has to work hard to rise at the ambrosial hour and so on. As a man of ‘Gian Khand’ works hard and take to the teachings of Gurmat, his mind starts acquiring beautiful traits. His body starts acquiring gold like glitter.

The wisdom and consciousness becomes higher. Mind awakes to new realities unknown heretofore. He acquires consciousness of sages, sidhs and gods. This is Sarm Khand.

And the man receives Master’s blessing. The Lord find him with a strange strength not known earlier. The soul is not running after sins and vices and therefore, acquires stability. He perceives Lord all around him. Mind is ever attached in the memory of the creator. They have no fear of birth and death left in them. Their mind is ever in bloom. This is Karma Khand.

By the grace of Timeless Lord, one enters the fifth realm called Sach Kahnd. Here a man virtually becomes one with Lord. He reaches the ultimate realm in His presence who is sustaining and supporting all His creations and whose rule and order prevails all over.

Ketey pavan pani vaisantar ketey kan mahes.

Ketey Barmey gharhat(i) gharhieh(i) rup rang ke ves.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Ketey: countless; Vaisantar: fires; Mahes: Shiv, Barmey: many Brahmas; Gharhat(i) gharhieh: are being moulded; Ke ves: in Many garbs.

In the creation of the Lord there are many kinds of air, water and fire, many Krishanas and Shivas. Many Brahmas are being mouled who have many forms, colours and garbs.

Ketia karam bhumi mer ketey ketey dhu updes.

Ketey ind chand sur ketey ketey mandal des.

Ketey sidh budh, nath ketey, ketey devi ves.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Karam bhu: where deeds are performed; Mer: Meru mountains; Dhu: Bhagat Dhruv; Ind: god Indra; Mandal des: galaxies; Budh: incarnations; Devi ves: attires of goddesses.

In this Universe, there are many Earths, many Meru mountains, Bhagat Dhruv and his teaching/sermons. Countless Indra and Moons, Suns and galaxies exist in His creation. There are infinite Sidhs, Naths incarnations and (personalities) in the attires of the goddesses.

Ketey dev danav, mun(i) ketey. Ketey rattan samund.

Ketia khani, ketia bani, ketey pat Narind.

Ketia surti, sevak ketey, Nanak ant(u) n ant(u).35.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Danav: demons; Mun(i): sages; Rattan samund: jewels and ocean; Pat: emperors; Narind: kings; Surti: concentration of mind.

By understanding the duties of human life that is by knowing one’s ‘Dharm’ a man’s mind becomes vast. Initially he was tied to the needs of a small family and therefore, very selfish and narrow minded. Now he realises that the vast creation of the Lord is a gigantic family which has myriad Krishnas, Brahmas and the Earths. By such knowledge, his narrow mindedness gets removed and a wave of happiness and concern for the Universe gets generated.

Gian Khand meh(i) gian(u) parchand(u).

Tithai nad bindod kod anad(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Parchand(u): powerful; Nad: mode of singing; Binod: comic plays; Kod: wonder happening; Anand: pleasures.

In the state of knowledge, that is when a man is blessed with knowledge, his strength is knowledge itself. One enjoys the pleasure of all the modes of singing, comic plays and wondrous episodes.

Sarm khand ki bani rup(u).

Tithai gharbat(i) gharhiay bahut(u) anup(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Sarm Khand ki: in the realm of hard work; Bani: construction; Rup(u): beauty; Gharhat(i) gharhiai: is moulded in: Bahut anup(u): beautifully.

Beauty is an essential element of the realm of effort and hard work. In this stage, the mind acquires beauty day by day. Because of new patterns taking place in the mind, it becomes beautiful.

Ta kia gala kathia na jahe.

Je ko kahai pichhai pachhutaey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Ta kia: of that state; Kathia na jaey: cannot be said: ko: a person; Kahai: may describes; Pichhai: after describing; Pachhutaey: he repents.

That state cannot be described. If someone tries to describe it, he repents later on because he finds himself incapable of describing.

Tithai gharbiai surt(i) mat(i) man(i) budh(i).

Tithai gharhiai sura sidha ki sudh(i).36.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Ghariai: Are shaped; Man(i) budh(i): awaking of the mind; Sura ki sudh(i): knowledge of the gods; Sidha ki sudh(i): wisdom of the Sidhs.

In the realm of the efforts and hard work, the consciousness and wisdom of a man are shaped. In other words, consciousness and wisdom improves and the mind is awakened. This realm bestows a man with intelligence of gods and sidhs.

As a person reaches through Gian that the whole Universe is a one big family, then he takes up the responsibility of serving its members. The narrow mindedness of the mind disappears and it is reshaped with immensity of generosity. A new awakening appears in the mind. The consciousness rises.

Karam Khand ki bani jor(u). ththai hor(u) n koi hour(u)

Tithai jodh mahabal sur. Tin meh(i) Ram(u) rahia bharpoor.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Karm: blessing, kindness; Bani: formulation; Jor(u): power; Hor(u): other than God: Mahabal: of much strength; Sur: brave warriors: Tin meh: in them; Ram: Rahia bharpoor: ful to the brim.

The formulation of the realm of blessing is power and strength. When the Lord castes His glance of clemency on a man, he is then blessed with such a strength that no vice and ill deeds can cause its effect on him. In this state, no one other than Lord resides in the mind of that man. Men in that state are brave soldiers, warriors. Lord resides in every hair of their body.

Tithai seeto seta mahima mahey.

Ta ke rup n kathney jahey.

N oh(i) mareh n thagey jahey.

Jin kai Ram(u) vasai man(i) mahey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Seeto: completely stiched; N mareh: do not die spiritual; N thagey jahey: not cheated by Maya.

One who reaches his blessed state of Karm Khand is ever engrossed in the adulation of Lord’s name. their bodies emit such golden hue that their beautiful forms cannot be described. Their faces radiate light. In this state, who have the Lord residing in their hearts, do not die spiritual death.

Tithai bhagat vasah ke lo.

Kareh anad(u) sacha man(i) soey.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Vaseh: live; Ko lo: of many regions; Sacha soey: Lord.

The devotees of many regions reside in that state who are ever in bloom. The true Lord resides in their hearts.

Sach Khand vasai Nirankar(u).

Kar(i) kar(i) vekhai nadr(i) nihal.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Kar(i) kar(i): by creating Universe; Nadr(i) nihal: with a glimpse that exalts; Vekhai: takes care.

In ‘Sach Khand’ meaning when a man becomes one with God. He Himself resides in his heart who creates Universe and then very kindly takes care of it.

Tithai khand mandal varbhand.

Je ko kathai ta ant n ant.

Tithai lo lo akar. Jiv jiv hukam tivai tiv kar.

Vekhai vigsai kar(i) vichar(u).

Nanak kathna karrha sar(u).37.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Varbhand: Universe; Lo lo: many regions; Vigsai: feels happy; Kar(i) vichar(u): by contemplation; Kathna: to describe; Sar(u): steel; Karrha: hard.

In that state, a realiser sees countless Universe, regions and galaxies. These are so many that if some starts describing them, he cannot reach anywhere near their description. Once sees infinite dwelling regions and formulations where deeds are done and systems are operation as Lord wills. In other words, one sees the will of Lord befalling on everything. He clearly sees that Lord is happily taking care of all His creations. Hey Nanak, it is difficult to describe this state. It can only be experienced.

The doors of all blessings of Lord open on a man who has become one with Him spiritually. He teats everyone as his own. He experience the presence of Lord in everything, everywhere. The conscious of such a man is always attached in the praise, adulations and glory of the Lord. The mammon (Maya) cannot cheat him anymore. His soul becomes powerful and nothing can separate it from the supreme soul. He clearly perceives that Lord is operating all His creation in His will and is showering His benevolence on all and sundry.

Jat(u) pahara dhira(u) suniar(u).

Ahran(i) mat(i) ved(u) hathiar(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Jat(u): abstaining success to indulge in evils; Pahara: goldsmith shop; Suniar(u): goldsmith; Mat(u): wisdom; Ved(u): knowledge Hathiar: honour.

If the shop is of discipline, patience be the goldsmith and man’s wisdom be the anvil on which hammer of knowledge is used.

Bhao khala agn(i) tap tao.

Bhanda bhao amrit(u) iit(u) dhal(i).

Gharhiai sabad(u) sachi taksal.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Bhao: fear of God; Khala: bellow; Tap tao: arduous penance, strenuous work; Bhandar: crucible; Bhao: love; Amrit: name of Lord that makes a person eternal; Tit(u): in that crucible; Gharhiai sabad(u): word is minted; Sachi taksal: in the above true institution/workshop; Taksal: where coins are minted.

The stamp of Gur Sabad is minted in the true mint of devotion, contentment, wisdom, knowledge, fear, arduous penances and love. It also implies that the spiritual state in which Satguru has composed a hymn, that hymn can take a Sikh to the same exalted spiritual level. It breaks the barrier of falsehood and creates a life of truth and patience.

If the fear of God is the bellow, arduous efforts the fire, love the crucible, then O brother, mix the eternal name of Lord in it. Because only such a workshop can mint Guru’s Shabad.

Jin kao nadr(i) karm(u) tin kar.

Nanak nadir(i) nihal.38.

Meanings of Difficult Words: Jin kao: those persons on whom; Nadri(i): glance of grace; Karm(u): blessings; Tin kar: is their work; Nihal: happy; Nadri: Lord who has clement vision.

This is the work of those people who receive the grace of Almighty. Those who are blessed by Lord. Hey Nanak! Those people become happy by the benevolence of Lord.

But this exalted spiritual state can only be formed when the character is pious. He should have patience and courage, high and vast understanding, service and fear of Lord instilled in the mind. He should have love the Lord and His creation in his heart. The traits of patience, discipline, wisdom knowledge, fear, hard work and love constitute the true mint where the stamps of Guru’s Shabad is coined. Perpetual contemplation of a hymn can raise the spiritual love of a person to the same state, in which Satguru Ji has composed that hymn.

Note: Jap(u) Bani has 38 steps which end here. In the first cantos, Satguru Ji had described the form/character of Lord and placed it at the beginning as invocatory verse or panegyric. In the last cantos which follows now is given complete gist and principle of Jap(u) Bani.


Pavan(u) guru pani pita mata dhart(i) mahat(u).

Divas(u) rat(i) duey daee da-ea khelai sagal jagat(u).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Pavan(u): air, breaths; Mahat(u): important; Divas(u): day; Duey: Both; (Divas) daea: male nurse; Rat(i) da-ee: female nurse; Sagal: entire.

Guru is as important for living beings and souls as breaths are for the body to remain functional. Water is father of all the living beings and the earth is the mother. Days and nights are like male and female nurses in the lap of whom the whole is playing.

Changeaia bureaia vachai dharm(u) hadoor(i).

Karmi apo apni ke nerhai ke door(i).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Vachai: examines; Hadoor(i): in the Lord’s court; Karmi: according to the deeds; Ke: many living beings; Nerhai: near the Lord.

The deeds of all living beings are examined according to the fixed norms and rules, in the presence of Almighty. Some come closer to Almighty on the basis of their deeds while others go far away from Him.

Jinni nam(u) dhiaea gaey masakat(i) ghall(i).

Nanak te mukh ujaley keti chhutti nal(i).

Meanings of Difficult Words: Jini: people; Te: they; Dhiaea: meditated upon; Masakat(i): hard labour; Ghal: made it a success; Mukh ujaley: shinning faces; Keti: many livings beings; Chutti: liberated from the shackles of Maya; Nal(i): in conscious people.

Hey Nanak! Those men, who have meditated on the name of Timeless Lord, have made a success of their lives. They bear a glowing face to the door of the Lord. Many more living beings have been liberated from the shackles of Maya through the medium of the Shabad and thus have succeeded in raising down the wall of falsehood existing since many births between them and the True Lord.